Environmental Management and Sustainability
For Inapal Metal, environmental sustainability plays a very important role. We strive daily for continuous improvement in our environmental performance, in order to minimize our impact on the environment.
This attitude is ensured through a sustainable management strategy and the adequate production of its products in an efficient and responsible manner. Our good environmental performance is recognized through certification according to ISO 14001, since 2005.
This voluntary commitment, through the adoption of a set of sustainable practices, allows us to reduce the risks and costs associated with our activities, while complying with the applicable legal requirements.
Europe has defined a strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, with a vision and trajectory also being established for Portugal to also reach this goal, with the aim of nullifying the balance between emissions and removals of carbon dioxide and other gases with greenhouse effect (GHG) from the atmosphere. In this context, Inapal Metal also intends to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, through activities defined internally.

For IM, priorities include efficient management of resources such as energy and water, efficient use of raw materials, minimization of emissions of pollutants, waste and wastewater, as well as the preservation and promotion of biodiversity. Inapal Metal's main objective is the continuous improvement of environmental performance, to which it contributes through the control and minimization of environmental aspects, namely:
- Compliance with applicable environmental legislation and regulations;
- Continuous reduction in the use of natural resources and the volume of waste produced and an increase in their recovery;
- Assessment of the environmental impacts resulting from our activity, adopting the necessary actions for their prevention and improvement of environmental behavior;
- Maintenance of procedures and means to deal quickly and efficiently with environmental emergencies;
- Ensuring a clear definition of environmental objectives and respective responsibilities through the annual creation of the Environmental Management Programme;
- Continuous awareness of our employees through information/training actions;
- Influence our suppliers in order to comply with environmental requirements.